How to stay positive in a not so positive world

Its incredible the amount of information we are bombarded with each and every day. Think about life prior to the arrival of the internet. Our main sources of information were limited at best. However, now we not only have a full complement of media as before, but we are also inundated with news stories, social media, videos and commentary from a seemingly unlimited source. The tendency of this information seems to be more negative than positive. So how do you keep yourself in good spirits and in a positive frame mind? After all, we are paid to bring our best performance each and every time. This applies to not only us in the voice over business but anybody who wishes to be well perceived in their professional and personal life. For me, affirmations are my salvation. Finding key words and statements that lift me up and repeating them to myself literally dozens of times if not more throughout the day. These affirmations or prayers can relate to your health, your income, your personal life, literally any aspect of your life that you wish to see improvement. Your subconscious mind will take these statements to heart. The results can be astonishing and transformative. Statements such as…”I am powerful…I am strong…I am healthy and happy” will bring a positive vibration to your mind and body and in turn transmitted to the world! If its true that we become what we think about, its good to know that we do have a certain element of control over the future of our lives.

Ross Huguet